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THE PLAY: The Parting introduces five men on the eve of an elusive journey into the unknown. Forced to confront their differences and expose their deepest fears before the break of day, they unravel a truth that will bind them together for
If you are coming by the U5 UBahn, get off at Therese-Ghiese-Allee.
Go up the stairs end in the direction of Putzbrunner Strasse. You will see
Fritz-Kortner-Bogen. Follow this street to the beginning of Verhoevenstrasse.
Go along this street and you will see lit-up path. Follow the path and it will
bring you to the European School Munich. Enter the building to your right.
The Europahalle Theatre is located there.
8€ (6€ Studenten)
Teilnehmer Keine Teilnehmer
Max. Teilnehmer 50 (50 freie Plätze)
Max. Begleitpersonen Keine Begleitpersonen
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