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Let's spent some time together with great, healthy food.
Going to prepare a thai dish with rice.
There will be some "Glühwein" and cookies of course.
Also some Iindisn Finger Food etc.
You are welcome to bring some other drinks and/or something yummy to eat and/or some instruments (just have a classical guitar to offer) etc.
Note: There are going to be "Non-Muesis" invited.
U 2 /1 bis Kolumbusplatz, dann noch 600 m
Anmeldeschluss Mittwoch, 24.12.2014 12:00 Uhr
Bitte etwas mitbringen, Details dann per Mail
Teilnehmer 2 (2 Männer und keine Frauen )
Max. Teilnehmer 5 (3 freie Plätze)
Max. Begleitpersonen 2
Zum Event anmelden