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Knowlegde is Power!
Professional astrologer and hypnosis practioner Seyhan Tüzün (http://www.seyhantuzun.com) will give a short astrological overview for the year 2016 during a dinner, helping you to better plan and build a successful year 2016 based on cosmic tendencies. Presentation in english probably. Everybody selects and pays for her/his dinner, no extracharge.
Please only join if you are interested in these topics and if you are fully sure to attend as this is a special dinner.
Anmeldeschluss Samstag, 02.01.2016 16:00 Uhr
Everybody selects and pays for her/his dinner, no extracharge.
Teilnehmer 1 (keine Männer und eine Frau )
Max. Teilnehmer 4 (3 freie Plätze)
Max. Begleitpersonen Keine Begleitpersonen
Zum Event anmelden