Rosetta at comet 67P : deciphering the origin of the solar system, the Earth and life

Rosetta at comet 67P : deciphering the origin of the solar system, the Earth and life

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Prof. Dr. Kathrin Altwegg, University Bern
After more than 12 years the Rosetta spacecraft crash-landed on comet 67P/ChuryumovGerasimenko on September 30, 2016. It has traveled billions of kilometers, just to study a small (4 km diameter), black boulder named 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Two years after end of mission it is time to evaluate Rosetta although data analysis will go on for many years to come. The results of this mission now seem to fully justify the time and money spent in the last decades on this endeavor. In the talk I will look back on the craziest mission ever own by the European Space Agency and point out its technical challenges and scienti c highlights. I will show how the results of this mission change our understanding about the formation of the solar system, the Earth and nally life itself.

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Montag, 12.11.2018 17:15 Uhr

Hörsaal H 030, Fakultät für Physik der LMU, Schellingstr. 4

Kunst & Kultur, Lesung & Vortrag, Sonstiges



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