International Get-together

Bestätigungsevent International Get-together

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This is an idea for international gatherings. We speak English and welcome everyone to the monthly meet-ups. Good food and people who enjoy talking to each other make for a perfect night out.

This is an excellent oppourtunity to meet new people and enjoy delicious food. Regardless of how experienced you are, everyone is welcome to join the international meeting.

The monthly get-togethers are held at different locations in Freising. You can contact me if you have any suggestions regarding the location.

The table is reserved for "Stammtisch English".

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Anmeldungen 4

Freitag, 12.01.2024 18:00 Uhr

Marienpl. 4, 85354 Freising, Deutschland



Anmeldeschluss Donnerstag, 11.01.2024 15:00 Uhr

Keine Kosten

Teilnehmer 4 (2 Männer und 2 Frauen )

Max. Teilnehmer 9 (5 freie Plätze)

Max. Begleitpersonen 2

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